Devan recently had a break from school and we decided use that time to visit some of our friends in Provo and visit his family. His brother and sister-in-law also came to his parents house and ironically we spent the majority of our time with them... they live seriously 4 apartments away from us. One the main attractions of this trip was that devan's brother brought his guns for us to try our hand at firing a weapon. A skill we will never need but is nevertheless incredibly fun. I can say that my aim was pretty good but my specialty lies in throwing clay pigeons whenever the magic word "PULL" reaches my ears. Here were our supplies-a 22mm, a shotgun and an old Russian war rifle with a ginormous kick.

Its barely in view but we actually had set up several targets to shoot at, some of which were purposely put there to watch the explosion when they are hit ie-a can of spray paint and a few gourds from the garden.

I liked shooting the 22 best, my form is horrible but it was the only picture where I actually looked like a tough-guy.

Devan is a typical boy and LOVED shooting anything he could get his hands on. He even went through an array of characters showing his enthusiasm for playing with things that destroy objects. He always says when we are in nursery, when he was their age he too would only build towers to get the chance to knock something over without getting in trouble. This is the real picture of Devan shooting a gun

Then he notices I'm taking pictures of him...

which makes him turn into John Wayne

next a policeman about to shoot an armed robber

and turns into the robber himself

and last... a dueling gunfighter

These are videos of him and I shooting the vintage russian war rifle. I couldn't figure out how to cock it again and in my moment of being a girl, the rifle wasn't positioned right in my shoulder and as the shot went off, the kick was so hard it felt like my clavicle had snapped, but Lord is very kind and protected me. In the video you can't tell but I'm practically crying under my sunglasses. Devan is always smart and a tough guy so he had no problems.
Needless to say, things are rarely boring around our house. Also, I love my husband and how fun he is and that we can cry laughing, literally slap our knees and fall down at the oddest things that only the other one would see funny. He is my favorite.
What do mean this is a skill you will never need. Have you forgotten you live in Las Vegas. I am sure Devan has a 22 hidden under the mattress. :)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you-- I never plan on needing or owning a gun, but I've been out shooting with those who are more enthusiastic and it is super fun! And it sounds like a great date/ double date idea!