Through much coaxing by some fabulous bloggers I know, I have decided to start a blog. Since I have a year without really knowing what I'm going to do until I start Physician Assistant school, I need as much to do as I can get to bide my time until I start the hardest 2.3333 years of my life. When I was 18 I coached a 7th grade volleyball team and everyday they begged and begged me to tell them a story about my life. To them, my life was fascinating and they couldn't get enough. The reality is I found a way to overemphasize things that for some reason kept them on the edge of the bleachers. Hopefully, that talent will re-emerge and you readers will stay interested. If not, I'm sorry and I know a blog(thewinthropchronicles) that will entertain you with the cutest children in the world and interesting stories.
I love your humility. You are a great blogger already.